A journey that began over two years ago...
Over two years ago, producer Matt Owca and director Brandon Akiaten took me on a journey to work on this #documentary #feature. I'm proud to have been part this creative team with such amazing people. #godofwar #raisingkratos THANK YOU ALL!!!
Release from Santa Monica Studio, makers of God of War:
Coming Soon to PlayStation YouTube...Raising Kratos documents the five year, herculean effort to reinvent one of the greatest stories in gaming, God of War. Facing an unknown future, Santa Monica Studio took a massive risk, fundamentally changing their beloved franchise and re-establishing their rightful place in video game history. More than just a “making of,” this cinematic journey of second chances rooted in family, sacrifice, struggle and doubt follows game director Cory Barlog and those who chase perfection in art and storytelling. Witness the incredible defeats, the unpredictable outcomes and the down-to-the-wire tension on full display in this true life redemption story.
#godofwar4 #godofwar2018#gameoftheyear #sony #playstation#playstation4 #santamonicastudio#kratos #atreus #gaming #fatherson#fatherhood #baftagames#thegameawards #sxsw #gdc#guinness #documentary #movie